Laguna Inducts Eight Students into Esteemed Cum Laude Society

On the morning of April 12, a small ceremony was held in celebration of Laguna's eight new Cum Laude Inductees in Ruston Amphitheatre. We are so proud of this incredible group of students that inspires us with their passion, dedication, and hard work.

Cum Laude Society membership is considered the highest scholastic achievement at independent schools nationwide, and Laguna Blanca is one of only 30 schools in the state of California authorized to admit new members. Chapters are permitted to admit no more than the top 20% of a graduating class, the top 10% of whom may be admitted at the conclusion of his or her junior year. Membership also requires the demonstration of good character, honor, and integrity.

Director of College Counseling and President of Laguna's Cum Laude Society Matt Struckmeyer kicked off the special program with words of affirmation for the new inductees. “While admission to Cum Laude is almost entirely a matter of GPA, mere success in courses is not the heart of what we are honoring today, nor is it at the heart of college admissions,” Struckmeyer said. “In an era of inflated grades, with so many GPAs above 4.0, more and more colleges, aside from simply recomputing GPAs on their own terms, ask: what is this student’s intrinsic motivation to learn?  What inspires their dedication and curiosity?  Whom do they revere who set them on their path of scholarship?”

Head of School Rob Hereford shared welcoming remarks and emphasized the significance of Cum Laude before each student was honored individually. To wrap up the program, Head of Upper School Melissa Alkire commended each student for their scholarship, balance, community, and their ability to make “excellent mistakes.” 

“Today's event is so important,” remarked Alkire. “It marks the first time as a community we are hosting a live, in-person celebration since the outbreak of COVID. And, for our community to come to celebrate our Cum Laude inductees speaks volumes for all the work put in this year and in each year. The students we induct today are here because they gave space to their passions, they followed their curiosity, they asked for help and guidance, and allowed their mistakes to shape their next set of questions. They inspire us to hold tight to these values and to lean into the power and capabilities we each have.”

Seniors who were inducted as Juniors in 2020—Gus Sabino '21, Lucas Chen '21, Andreas Jackson '21, and Violet Zhou '21—shared moving vignettes about each new inductee.

Congratulations to the following 2021 Cum Laude recipients from Laguna’s Class of 2022: Frances Carlson, Dare Fitzpatrick, Catie Fristoe, Hanna Masri, Owen Pryor; and the Class of 2021: Elizabeth Bisno, Phoebe Stein, and Rodrick Zhu. Owl Pride!